On February the 18th and 19th 2010, The Center for Research and Studies organized a seminar in the municipality of Mrkonjic Grad. It dealt with the following topic: Strategic Planning – Basic Principles And Practical Application.
This seminar that was held in the Mrkonjic Grad municipality was aimed at making starters familiar with various aspects of rural tourism and motivating women in rural areas to be actively engaged in it, so they could, by doing so, show their skills and knowledge through this aspect of tourism.
The Center for Research and Studies organized a seminar that dealt with the following topic: Basics Of The Organic Agricultural Production Development In The Municipality Of Mrkonjic Grad.
The Center for Research and Studies organized a practical workshop in the municipality of Mrkonjic Grad. The topic was: Acquiring Skills For Netting Using Wooden Frame, For Women From The Association “Nasa Zena” In The Village Of Podrasnica, Near Mrkonjic Grad.
Labor market structural imbalance is characteristic for almost all economies in transition. It represents structural disorders or discrepancy between labor force offer and demand in terms of vocation, education, qualifications or regional disposal.