
1. July 2011.

New fiscal measures – Road to uncertainty

Analysis shows that long-term negative economic-social effects derived from the new fiscal measures significantly surpass the expected increase of tax income that would be secured by these changes. These fiscal measures can only temporarily postpone the inevitable reforms, while, in the meantime, there is danger of additional increase of the existing problems.

11. December 2010.

GEA successfully implemented project ‘Support for women suffering from muscular dystrophy and paraplegia to become self-employed’.

Canada Fund for Local Initiatives granted Center for Research and Studies – GEA for the project “Support for women suffering from muscular dystrophy & paraplegia to become self-employed“.

21. October 2010.

Center for Research and Studies representatives attended regional conference on the role of think tank organizations in the Western Balkans region

Two members of the Center for Research and Studies “GEA”, executive and operational director, took part in the regional conference on the role of think tank organizations in public policies’ analysis and reform in the Western Balkans region.

7. October 2010.

GEA representatives visited partner organizations from FYR Macedonia and Serbia and established framework for future cooperation and partnership

Within the Core and institutional support program by the Open Society Institute, the representatives of the Center for Research and Studies GEA visited several think tank organizations in the region during October 2010, in order to make regional representation and exchange experiences.

4. October 2010.

How much are we dedicated to economy?

How much attention is paid to economy in the election campaign and what is the quality of economic policies of political parties?

1. July 2010.

Project “Report on current ways for the determining of wages of MPs and delegates in parliamentary bodies of B&H with the recommendation for the establishment of a long-term model” ends successfully

From December 1, 2009, to May 31, 2010, Center for Research and Studies GEA successfully realized the project “Report on current ways for the determining of wages of MPs and delegates in parliamentary bodies of B&H with the recommendation for the establishment of a long-term model”, supported by Center for Civil Initiatives (CCI), under the … Continue reading Project “Report on current ways for the determining of wages of MPs and delegates in parliamentary bodies of B&H with the recommendation for the establishment of a long-term model” ends successfully

22. May 2010.

Seminar: How To Write A Good Project Proposal?

The Center for Research and Studies – “GEA” organized a seminar that dealt with the following topic: How To Write A Good Project Proposal?

17. April 2010.

Seminar: Financing Sources For NGOs

The Center for Research and Studies organized a seminar that dealt with the following topic: Financing Sources For NGO’s.

12. March 2010.

Seminar: Legal Framework For Action Of The Associations Of Women In The Municipality Of Mrkonjic Grad

The Center for Research and Studies organized a seminar that dealt with the following topic: Legal Framework For Action Of The Associations Of Women In The Municipality Of Mrkonjic Grad.

26. February 2010.

Seminar: Organization Of Associations

The Center for Research and Studies organized a seminar for members of the three women associations in the municipality of Mrkonjic Grad. It lasted for two days, February 25th and 26th, and dealt with the following topic: Organization Of Associations.