Monthly Archives: March 2010

12. March 2010.

Seminar: Legal Framework For Action Of The Associations Of Women In The Municipality Of Mrkonjic Grad

The Center for Research and Studies organized a seminar that dealt with the following topic: Legal Framework For Action Of The Associations Of Women In The Municipality Of Mrkonjic Grad.

7. March 2010.

Public sector wages policy needed

A sustainable wage policy for B&H requires that public sector must stop setting the pace of the wage growth for the whole economy. A proposed way to do this is to bring the public wage levels in line with comparable positions in the private sector and link their further growth to the growth of private … Continue reading Public sector wages policy needed

3. March 2010.

Report on current practice for determining of wages of deputies and delegates in parliamentary bodies of BH

The report on the current model for determining wages of MPs and delegates in parliamentary bodies of B&H with the proposal for the establishment of a long-term sustainable model represents a study aimed at contributing to the creation of a system that will secure responsible and rational spending of public funds in Bosnia and Herzegovina.