Monthly Archives: July 2011

6. July 2011.

Introduction of differential VAT rate, more harm than good

Potential loses in income and long-term fiscal weakness that would result from the announced introduction of differential VAT rate would exceed by far the financial relief that could be felt by socially disadvantaged residential groups if pricing down food products took place.

5. July 2011.

New model for MPs wages needed

The earnings of state and entity MP’s and delegates have been increased excessively prior to the global economic crisis. Basic reasons lie in the existing practice of determining wages in the domestic Parliaments.

New model for MPs’ wages needed

The earnings of state and entity MP’s and delegates have been increased excessively prior to the global economic crisis.

1. July 2011.

New fiscal measures – Road to uncertainty

Analysis shows that long-term negative economic-social effects derived from the new fiscal measures significantly surpass the expected increase of tax income that would be secured by these changes. These fiscal measures can only temporarily postpone the inevitable reforms, while, in the meantime, there is danger of additional increase of the existing problems.

Report on the current practice of determining wages for MPs in B&H parliamentary bodies

Contribution to the creation of a system that ensures responsible and rational public spending in Bosnia and Herzegovina.