Monthly Archives: December 2011

22. December 2011.

Labor market and employment as the topic of a TV show called POSLOVNI KRUG

Following the findings from study “How to get better reporting from public employment services in B&H”, a representative of the Center for Research and Studies – GEA took part in a TV show named POSLOVNI KRUG (BUSINESS CYCLE), where there was a discussion about the role of public employment services at labor market, their effectiveness … Continue reading Labor market and employment as the topic of a TV show called POSLOVNI KRUG

16. December 2011.

Upcoming events: Balkan Peer Exchange

Enhancing Analysis and Research-Based Advocacy in an Era of Open Data February 21-23, 2012 Belgrade, Serbia.

1. December 2011.

Planned and implemented measures by the RS Government in relation to the Economic Policy

Center for Research and Studies is the author of an analysis of the decrease of available budget funds due to the increase of annual installments for public debt amortization and consequential need for the redistribution of expenditure between administrative lines on one side and development and social budget lines on the other.