Monthly Archives: April 2012

20. April 2012.

Trebinje: Seeds of medicinal and aromatic plants distributed

Trebinje – Within the workshop on possibilities for the cultivation of medicinal and aromatic plants, seeds of hemp, ever flower, thyme and heather were distributed free of charge to interested MAP farmers from the Herzegovina region. The workshop was held at the Business Incubator of Trebinje, while the workshop moderator, Ms Slobodanka Comic, presented to … Continue reading Trebinje: Seeds of medicinal and aromatic plants distributed

10. April 2012.

Workshop on the cultivation of medicinal and aromatic plants was held

Within the project “Increasing employment through the creation of environmental jobs and biodiversity conservation” funded by the EU and implemented by GEA – Center for Research and Studies, a workshop was held in the municipality of Bosanski Petrovac on possibilities for the cultivation of medicinal and aromatic plants in the area of Unsko-sanski canton and … Continue reading Workshop on the cultivation of medicinal and aromatic plants was held

9. April 2012.

Reforms in the area of employment and determining of wages in the public sector of RS needed – the sooner the better

In the analysis of effectiveness of the Republic of Srpska’s public authorities made by the Center for Research and Studies GEA it was determined that RS has no choice and, sooner or later, has to decrease the number of Governmental sector employees.

2. April 2012.

Manual for Business Plan Creation

Within the project “Student Entrepreneurship” and educational program „I Have an Idea“, supported by USAID, a Manual for Business Plan Creation has been developed.