Monthly Archives: May 2012

31. May 2012.

Seminar on job risk assesment held

Within the project “European Cooperation Bridges for Occupational Health and Safety” funded by the Directorate General for Enlargement, a follow up seminar named “Risk assessment in the area of occupational safety and health” was organized in cooperation with the Ministry of Labor and Protection of Veterans and Disabled Persons of RS and Republic Inspectorate of … Continue reading Seminar on job risk assesment held

4. May 2012.

Workshop on occupational health and safety held

Within the project “European Cooperation Bridges for Occupational Health and Safety” funded by the Directorate General for Enlargement, a round table named “Risk assessment in the area of occupational safety and health” was organized in cooperation with the Ministry of Labor and Protection of Veterans and Disabled Persons of RS.