Monthly Archives: October 2012

29. October 2012.

Enrollment policy and higher education funding system in B&H

The key findings of a study analyzing the current higher education funding system in Bosnia and Herzegovina point to the fact that higher education system in B&H is, besides being complex, financially ineffective. Labor market demands urgent change of the enrollment policy and higher education funding system in B&H.

24. October 2012.

Obstacles and chances for young people on the way from an idea to successful business in B&H

This research provides an overview of available programs of support in self-employment in the Republic of Srpska and Federation of B&H, including available international projects of support, an analysis of the influence that educational system has on making conditions for youth self-employment, as well as the influence of business surrounding on making an initial decision … Continue reading Obstacles and chances for young people on the way from an idea to successful business in B&H

Research: Do we help enough to the young people who want to start their own business?

A survey in which students from the “I Have an Idea” program participated found that the lack of money, but also the lack of good business ideas, together with general disinterest for entrepreneurship, are the main reasons for which young people rarely decide to start their own business in B&H.

19. October 2012.

Center for Research and Studies GEA at a two-day communications seminar in London

PASOS (Policy Association for an Open Society) network organized a two-day seminar that was held on October 11 and 12, 2012, in London. It was called: ”High Impact – A PASOS Communication Seminar”.

9. October 2012.

The first Youth Business Forum Held in Sarajevo

Under the slogan “We don’t want to wait for jobs, we want to create them!”, the first Youth Business Forum was held in Sarajevo on October 2nd and 3rd.

1. October 2012.

Green jobs – opportunity for B&H

Even though a generally accepted definition of “green jobs” still has not been agreed upon, this job category can be viewed as one of new perspectives and possibilities where Bosnia and Herzegovina could realize significant progress, not only in creating new workplaces, but also through “greening” the existing production processes and capacities.