Monthly Archives: March 2015

17. March 2015.

Introduction of a differential VAT rate – a move in the wrong direction?

As is already known, the Government of the Republic of Srpska recently launched an initiative to introduce a differential VAT rate for basic nutrition products – a standard 22% rate and a lower rate of 10%.

13. March 2015.

Is low transparency in public institutions more intentional than we think? – example of the City of Banja Luka

The less information our boss has about what we are doing, the more we feel at liberty to do as we please. Or so goes the unwritten rule.

3. March 2015.

A decrease of the social contribution rate by 1.4 percentage points announced – is it enough?

The “Law on changes and amendments to the law on social contributions” to be considered at a special session of the National Assembly of the Republic of Srpska on March 4th 2015.