Monthly Archives: May 2015

18. May 2015.

Workshop: “Creation of jobs and prosperity” for the Western Balkans

In Tirana (Albania), on May 6-8, 2015, GEA participated in the workshop “Creation of jobs and prosperity”, which convened representatives of civil sector from the Western Balkan countries.

5. May 2015.

Analysis of the initiative for decreasing the social contribution rate in the RS

The aim of this analysis is to provide information for public discussion on the initiative by the Government of the Republic of Srpska for a labor taxation decrease by 1.4% of the gross wage. This initiative has been included in the Draft law on changes and amendments to the law  on social contributions adopted by the National Assembly … Continue reading Analysis of the initiative for decreasing the social contribution rate in the RS

4. May 2015.

Analysis of the initiative for decreasing the social contribution rate in the RS

The aim of this analysis is to provide information for public discussion on the initiative by the Government of the Republic of Srpska for a labor taxation decrease by 1.4% of the gross wage.