Monthly Archives: December 2015

22. December 2015.

The City of Banja Luka passes 2016 budget – old problems remain

2016 City budget was adopted on December 15 in the total of 128.270.000 BAM. Review of the budget and the drafting process reveals that two groups of problems GEA has been warning about for several years will be present in the next period as well and that no serious progress has been made on their … Continue reading The City of Banja Luka passes 2016 budget – old problems remain

18. December 2015.

Labor productivity in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Center for Research and Studies GEA completed an analysis “Growth of labor productivity – the precondition for the increase of wages and stable economic development”.

Growth of labor productivity – the precondition for increase of wages and stable economic development

The growth of labor productivity is the primary economic objective that enables strengthening of competitiveness of the domestic economy and stable development.  

17. December 2015.

High fiscal and parafiscal charges – the main cause of grey economy in RS

Report “Creating a more favorable business environment for decreasing informal (grey) economy in the Republic of Srpska” reveals what employers in the Republic of Srpska see as main causes of grey economy and where we stand on these matters in comparison with Serbia, Croatia, Macedonia and Austria.

Creating a more favorable business environment for decreasing informal (grey) economy in the Republic of Srpska

Report “Creating a more favorable business environment for decreasing informal (grey) economy in the Republic of Srpska” reveals what employers in the Republic of Srpska see as main causes of grey economy and where we stand on these matters in comparison with Serbia, Croatia, Macedonia and Austria.