Monthly Archives: August 2016

5. August 2016.

Seminar: „Possibilities for the transition from the conventional to organic agricultural production in northwestern B&H“

„If the heart could speak, it would say: buckwheat, buckwheat,…buckwheat is all I need!” The great professor Tanovic shared his vast knowledge and experience with members of Cooperative Association “Klekovaca” and farmers from Drinic, Bosanski Petrovac and Drvar. 

3. August 2016.

Support to Rural Development

Support to young farmers in the Bosanski Petrovac/Drinic region.

2. August 2016.

What is the attitude of Banja Luka mayor runners towards new city budget policy?

During July and August, right before the beginning of local elections campaign, GEA organized consultations with Banja Luka mayor runners. The consultations were aimed at opening a dialogue about necessary changes in the City budget policy in the upcoming period and at directing candidates’ campaign to real problems in the functioning of city administration.