- 1. August 2024. USPON – Successful Transformation of Women’s Positions in Rural Areas
- 4. March 2024. LENS – Local CSOs Empowered, Networked and Strengthened for Active Budget Monitoring
- 28. December 2023. RAG – Your Ticket to the World of Entrepreneurship
- 15. December 2023. GEA at OSCE conference on participation of citizens in decision-making process
- 18. August 2023. Research project on citizens participation mechanisms on local and cantonal level in BiH
- 10. August 2023. Providing technical support to grant beneficiaries as part of supporting measures in diversifying economic and social activities in rural areas – UNDP EU4Agri
- 7. March 2023. Bosnia and Herzegovina without budget control
- 28. October 2021. Labor migration between BiH and SLO
- 1. September 2021. Implementation of the project “E-LOCAL – Improvement of administrative e-services at the local level”started
- 26. April 2021. Strengthening the Capacity of Civil Society within the Budget Monitoring
- 26. January 2021. Economic and social effects of the pandemic in B&H
- 11. June 2020. Agriculture and agritourism as a job opportunity
- 26. November 2019. Presentation of the research on labor migrations in Vienna
- 22. November 2019. Labor migrations between BiH and Austria
- 3. September 2019. New project of creating the road map and plans for strengthening the role of local communities – UNDP
- 2. April 2018. Wages in Republika Srpska – Situation and Perspectives
- Analysis of Trends and Perspectives in Wage Setting Mechanisms and Policies and Options for Their Application in Developing Sustainable Wage Policies in Republika Srpska
- 2. March 2018. Health Care Systems in BiH – Financing Challenges and Reform Options
- Health Care Systems in BiH – Financing challenges and reform options
- 19. July 2017. GEA participated at Civil Society Forum in Trieste
- 27. March 2017. Approved project “With Flax Production to Sustainable Jobs in Agriculture”
- 25. November 2016. Social transfers in B&H – How do the poor benefit from them?
- 23. November 2016. Social Transfers – How do Poor People Benefit from Them? (English version coming soon)
- 19. September 2016. Round table on the decrease of labor taxation
- 5. August 2016. Seminar: „Possibilities for the transition from the conventional to organic agricultural production in northwestern B&H“
- 3. August 2016. Support to Rural Development
- 2. August 2016. What is the attitude of Banja Luka mayor runners towards new city budget policy?
- 28. July 2016. Inequality in B&H: From empty pockets to full safes
- Taxation of Wages and the Informal Economy
- 12. July 2016. Inequality in B&H: From empty pockets to full safes (English version coming soon)
- 22. June 2016. Years of paying others’ debts
- 20. June 2016. Years of Paying Others’ Debts (English version coming soon)
- 11. April 2016. Professor Miodrag Zec: “We idolize loyalty and we suppress competence.”
- 10. April 2016. Professor Ljubo Jurcic: “We are victims of an incomplete economic system and wrong economic policy.”
- 8. April 2016. Conference: “Economy in Media – Media on Economy”
- 22. December 2015. The City of Banja Luka passes 2016 budget – old problems remain
- 18. December 2015. Labor productivity in Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Growth of labor productivity – the precondition for increase of wages and stable economic development
- 2. November 2015. How to improve media reporting on economy in Bosnia and Herzegovina?
- 27. August 2015. GEA at the Western Balkans Summit in Vienna
- 22. June 2015. Conference: “Employment and Development – Technological Change and Jobs”
- 18. May 2015. Workshop: “Creation of jobs and prosperity” for the Western Balkans
- 4. May 2015. Analysis of the initiative for decreasing the social contribution rate in the RS
- 1. April 2015. Conference: Employment and Social Inclusion in Europe – Ways Forward for the Young Jobless Generation
- E-newsletter GEA, Issue 1
- 17. March 2015. Introduction of a differential VAT rate – a move in the wrong direction?
- 13. March 2015. Is low transparency in public institutions more intentional than we think? – example of the City of Banja Luka
- 3. March 2015. A decrease of the social contribution rate by 1.4 percentage points announced – is it enough?
- 13. February 2015. Results of the Student Entrepreneurship project
- 5. February 2015. Student Entrepreneurship
- 15. December 2014. City of Banja Luka Draft Budget for 2015: Once again the budget is even more administrative and less developmental
- 25. September 2014. Third Youth Business Forum “Young people in B&H entrepreneurship: Craziness or cleverness?”
- 8. July 2014. The introduction of an income tax ‘contribution for solidarity’: A justifiability analysis
- 7. July 2014. GEA at the Parliamentary Assembly of B&H
- 9. June 2014. Organizational development
- 27. February 2014. Increasing wages for budget users – a step in the wrong direction?
- 3. February 2014. Year three of the Student Entrepreneurship project – a fresh opportunity for students with business ideas
- 4. January 2014. Youth unemployment – the EU and B&H share the problem, but can they also share solutions?
- 12. December 2013. Neighboring countries lower income taxes – B&H on the move
- 10. December 2013. How to achieve lower labor taxation without harming public funds?
- 5. December 2013. Analysis of progress implementing the RS 2011-2015 Employment Strategy
- 15. November 2013. GEA participates in the Interactive workshop: Policy Research, Technology and Advocacy Converge
- 5. November 2013. Analysis of the budget policy and budget of the city of Banja Luka
- The Second Youth Business Forum takes place
- 21. October 2013. GEA at the Annual Meeting of PASOS Members
- 20. September 2013. Successful Business Enterprise of Buckwheat Cultivation and Processing Promoted in the Municipality of Drinic
- 5. September 2013. Analysis: Economic recovery or statistical effect?
- 5. June 2013. Analysis: Foreign direct investors´ motivation and their place in the economy of RS
- 21. May 2013. Competition for the best business plan closes
- 3. April 2013. Ognjen Djukic: Huge and Inefficient Public Sector has to be Cut
- Analysis of Real Economy and Financial Sectors
- 2. April 2013. Wages of MPs and Delegates in the B&H Parliament Unmatched in Europe
- 23. February 2013. First “START UP” Training Takes Place
- 12. February 2013. GEA participates in the annual IMF Spring Meetings 2013!
- 8. February 2013. Center for Research and Studies GEA’s address changed!
- GEA and BIP Reach Agreement on Joint Action on the Promotion of Entrepreneurship
- 3. January 2013. Economic forecast for 2013 – cloudy with possible financial tempests
- 1. December 2012. European Cooperation Bridges for Occupational Health and Safety – ECBOHS
- 29. November 2012. Western Balkans and Turkey Occupational Health and Safety Forum held
- Skopje: Annual meeting of PASOS members held
- 29. October 2012. Enrollment policy and higher education funding system in B&H
- 24. October 2012. Research: Do we help enough to the young people who want to start their own business?
- 19. October 2012. Center for Research and Studies GEA at a two-day communications seminar in London
- 9. October 2012. The first Youth Business Forum Held in Sarajevo
- 1. October 2012. Green jobs – opportunity for B&H
- 17. September 2012. Center for Research and Studies GEA became a member of PASOS!
- 9. August 2012. Increasing employment through biodiversity conservation and the creation of environmental jobs
- 7. August 2012. IPA project “Increasing employment through the creation of environmental jobs and biodiversity conservation”
- 18. June 2012. Historic developments in the EU – important lessons for RS
- 31. May 2012. Seminar on job risk assesment held
- 4. May 2012. Workshop on occupational health and safety held
- 20. April 2012. Trebinje: Seeds of medicinal and aromatic plants distributed
- 10. April 2012. Workshop on the cultivation of medicinal and aromatic plants was held
- 9. April 2012. Reforms in the area of employment and determining of wages in the public sector of RS needed – the sooner the better
- 10. March 2012. Conservation of biodiversity in B&H through opening environmental jobs in agriculture and forestry
- 8. March 2012. Guide for the cultivation of medicinal and aromatic plants