
Increasing employment through biodiversity conservation and the creation of environmental jobs

PERIOD December 15, 2010 –June 15, 2012.
participants Lead applicant:
GEACenter for Research and Studies
Partner: REC – Regional Environmental Center B&H
Donor eu

European Commission

General objective

Contribute to environmental protection and the sustainable use of natural resources while creating alternative employment and sustainable income.

Specific objectives

  • conducting thorough analyses of the potential for the creation of “green jobs” in Bosnia and Herzegovina’s primary economic sectors
  • increasing awareness about the sustainable use of natural resources and the potential for “green jobs” employment
  • promotion of a model for building capacities in local communities for the introduction of sustainable and eco-friendly agricultural practices
  • stimulating employment through the provision of training and support to establish medicinal and aromatic plants (MAP) farms in accordance with the principles and standards of organic agriculture

Target groups

  • local farmers and their associations, residents of rural areas
  • collectors and cultivators of medicinal and aromatic plants
  • decision makers at entity and state levels
  • businesses buying medicinal and aromatic plants

Achieved results

  • conducted and disseminated 100 copies of a study on the potential for the creation of “green jobs” in B&H which includes a list of primary natural resources, key actors and the most promising regions for the development of “green jobs”
  • created and disseminated 500 copies of a practical guide for the cultivation of medicinal and aromatic plants
  • conducted two workshops attended by some 60 farmers on the cultivation of the specialized plants, organized in Bosanski Petrovac and Trebinje
  • planted two experimental plots and provided workshop attendees with free seeds
  • contracts on the purchase of medicinal and aromatic plants were signed between workshop participants and the firms buying them
  • organized a round-table discussion attended by 20 representatives of various institutions, companies and organizations on the potential for the development of “green jobs” in agriculture and forestry