
Unemployment in B&H: The (in)effectiveness of the existing labor market

PERIOD August 24, 2007 – December 31, 2007
participants Lead applicant:
Center for Research and Studies
DONOR state dept Government of USA

Brief overview

The chronic problem of high unemployment in Bosnia and Herzegovina causing high levels of poverty served as the impetus for launching this project. Although the B&H economy had grown significantly by the beginning of 2008, this growth has unfortunately not been accompanied by comparable rises in employment.

The need for a better understanding of the cause for such unfavorable developments thus emerged aimed at reaching the most effective solutions. This project focused on the effectiveness of current labor market policies and their compatibility with the goal of decreasing unemployment

Achieved results

  • Three scientific studies were conducted, targeted at different population segments relevant to the project. These studies then served as a solid analytic foundation to help stimulate greater involvement of expert communities in public discussions on the problem of unemployment.
  • A roundtable event was successfully organized and attended by a diverse range of labor market stakeholders including workers’ unions, employers, government officials, employment services, NGOs, representatives of the international community, media and others. The findings of the three above-mentioned studies were presented, followed by a wide-ranging discussion among participants. A project report was published that includes the studies analyzed and the roundtable conclusion. The event was organized in cooperation with the Chamber of Commerce of the Republic of Srpska.

The publication: “Unemployment in B&H: (in)Effectiveness of the existing labor market” can be found in the section Publications.